Miss You Less, See You More.

1.7L of goodness.

We went and saw Mercy Arms play last night at Empire, which was pretty... kinda... sorta... OK. I hate those Lick-it parties they have in there though; apart from the bands it's such a scenester wank-fest and the worst part of all is that no one in this city is actually cool.

My definition of cool of course being an entriely contradictory and self-sabotaging concept. That being: as soon as you try and be whatever is considered cool, you immediately expose yourself as a fuckwit found desperately wanting.

But anyway.

The band was good.

And as it turned out, Rose went to school with the bass player.

Don't be a...

While on the subject of dumbcunts, they were en masse in the mall last night. I value the early hours of the morning, sitting in the mall, smoking and assessing the increasingly heinous crew whose situations and wardrbe malfunctions grow in direct proportion to the rising sun. It's totally fucked that the very people I'm watching with derision feel the need to get sleazy.

No, fluro guy, no fucking way.

I walked past a guy last night on the way up to the club and he attempted to smack me on the ass. He completely missed and hit me in the lower back and it really fucking hurt. It seriously annoys me that guys like that assume they have a right to do that kind of stuff; as if, as soon as I leave the house I become public property.

Like I said, dumbcunts.

This was in the laneway behind the Zoo, from when we sat out there and drank Jack and listened to Juliette and the Licks play a set in there. Back in the days when we were poor and couldn't afford to go see shows.

Oh well, those good old days have completely fucked off... both Rose and I have a job, and we are taking our money to Sebastian Bach and the Hell City Glamours tonight!

Hopefully catch up with Mo Mayhem and the other members of Hell City... It's going to be fun fun fun.

Doin' stuff, it's good.


People have jobs now. Things are not going to be as fun. Even I have a job, even if it's only for one hour a day and only for this week. It's still commitment.


Anyway, the only thing worse than 3am messages is 5am phonecalls. That happened to me yesterday and I didn't like it.



Such happy drunks. I'm going to work now.

Living Conditions

It's good to come home and Bowie is in the stereo.