I just realised... the walls of my room probably bear a striking resemblance to my brain.

There's nothing you can say to scare me anymore


Disposable cameras are so legit. I'd forgotten.

No chance of staying in any desirable way

Only because I'm so charming and easily confused.

I Don't Think We'll Get The Truth

From some kids with stickers on their boots.

The Valley: Dig Vigilante

Ghetto Balj CBD at the Lionel Apartments.

(Clancy's old place)

Finally having a scanner in my little ghetto cesspit is fairly legit. All those photos taken on Rosie's lomo cameras... It's been a fun experiment.

Rose is moving next door today, into this little underneath part of the house: Ashtray III.

So there will be space in my room and I'll start painting again I guess.

Can't think of anything better to do, really.

Apart from drink... and that isn't always a constructive occupation.

Tell me: If you're so fucking smart, what would you do?

When it rains, it certainly fucking pours.

I am the son, I am the heir...
Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar.
The Smiths

The chance I had I kinda blew...