Act in haste, repent at leisure

It took me a year to finish this film and get it developed, but it was a mighty fine year.

"That most substance-addicted people are also addicted to thinking, meaning they have a compulsive and unhealthy relationship with their own thinking... That 99% of compulsive thinkers' thinking is about themselves; that 99% of this self-directed thinking consists of imagining and getting ready for things that are going to happen to them; and then, weirdly, that if they stop to think about it, that 100% of the things they spend 99% of their time and energy imagining and trying to prepare for all the contingencies and consequences of are NEVER GOOD...
In short, that 99% of the head's thinking activity consists of trying to scare the everliving shit out of itself."
I love David Foster Wallace so much.

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