End things

I'm finishing things... like drawings and books I've been trying to read for about three months. And my job, which I will be leaving in mid-January to head down to Melbourne. Which I guess means I'm finishing my stint on the farm, at home. Finishing up with my old phone too, and my car, eventually. I always choose the hectic time to do everything at once. 
I can't wait until Christmas and New Year, its going to be fun.


  1. I envy your drawing skills, whenever I do a doodle or anything, you always come into my mind and i'm like "oh man this is so shit, Rachel would do it so much better!" Sounds like things are going to be changing for you but I hope everything will be wonderful!

  2. Oh wow thank you for such a lovely compliment! I sulk all the time because I can't draw like Anthony Lister or James Jean...
