Die Hexe

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Photography: Amanda Leigh Smith

I've said it before and I have absolutely no qualms about saying it again -- Amanda Leigh Smith is my favourite photographer. 

These shots remind me a bit of the wide rivers in the mountains behind where I grew up -- as teenagers we'd ditch school and pile into my slow-rusting '89 Camry station wagon and drive the winding roads up past Bellingen and into Thora and Dorrigo, scouting for waterfalls, swimming holes, rainforests and crystals. 
There's nothing like freedom, wilderness, gentle rebellion and breathing cool, mountain air 


  1. OMG awesome shooting


    Coline ♡

  2. This is amazing!! I dig the nostalgic feeling of it too :)
    MacK @ SoulMakes Blog

    1. Amanda is so incredible, she always nails that sense of 'I've been here before...' ...except in my case, maybe not so well-dressed as Skye! X
