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Little Pieces of Hope
antler necklace; Spellbox Eye of Horus necklace; all other jewellery markets/vintage.


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Images via Lenni, the amazing pinterest boards of Amanda Smith, Melacine Moon, Eileen Lofgren and Sugarhigh + Lovestoned, journal pages, and Gemma Booth.

This evening, Scotty and I are going to head east out of the city, drive until we hit the coast, and then follow the line of ocean-meets-land until we head north, north, north. 
We'll be stopping in at least four of our favourite 'God's countries' that are dotted along Australia's eastern seaboard -- starting with Eden (which I've talked about fanatically here and here). It really is a god's-own playground for wild adults who are also kinda pure at heart -- there's amazing, pristine beaches and oceans, waterfalls, farmland, a big history connected to the sea, and few enough people that residents still treat each other like humans. Anyway, it's the closest we come to home in the southern parts of Australia. 
We're also stopping in at Gerringong, a bit further north, which is a similarly small and undeveloped coastal town where Scotty lived for a lot of his life. Its a bit less remote, and with fewer wildmen making a hard living off the sea, it loses a bit of that frontier kinda feel. 
Next, we'll head to my homeland, the mid north coast of NSW, to visit my parents' farm in, again, a place that I believe is the most beautiful place on earth. The mid north coast is cut in on one side by the ocean, and a whole lot of undeveloped coastal bushland and banana farms, and on the other side by the Great Dividing Range, which squeezes up close to the coast at that point. The foothills of the range are coated in rainforests and waterfalls, it's incredible. 
And finally, we'll head to Ballina, where Scotty grew up and my eldest sister lives. It's just a little bit south of Byron Bay and is full of lots of friends, family and secret cool places to hang out. 
And we're taking Humble with us too. 
Anyway, it's safe to say I'm looking foward to this like crazy... And I'll take lots of photos (I'll be updating on instagram @raychponygold) and I'll see you all in a week...

☽ ...::: paradise lost // paradise found :::... ☾ 


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Sportsgirl sunglasses; eBay concho bely; Dr Denim jeans; Nasty Gal moto jacket; all necklaces vintage/DIY; all rings market/vintage.

If I could, I'd probably wear the same thing everyday, really. 
Black jeans, Harley boots, a plain shirt... then let my accessories and jacket choice do the talking. 
It's true, the above is an almost totally-accurate representation of my day-to-day... except the days when I dress exclusively in my boyfriend's hoodies and shirts, but I try not to go outside on those days. 
And anyway, I guess there's no fun in wearing the same thing every day...

But what is fun, however, is revisiting my favourite place in my neighbourhood... a hidden cactus garden, where, by the looks of things, suburban burnouts go to drink whiskey and I go to soak up sun and check out the prickly pears. 

Sketchbook: Easy riders, raging bulls

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There's just been a whole lot of note-taking and idea-catching going on... I'm very excited about just letting my mind wander for a few months. 

Whiskey visions

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Sunday morning whiskey visions 2013.
Ideas-fun and plunge-taking and mind-stretching and birthdays and road trips.... 
If I'm dropping in and out of this blog a bit lately, it's only because real life is solidly engaging and busy at the moment, and I keep forgetting to charge my camera battery.
And good things are on the way, as always. 
Raych x

Lilac wine

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Images from here, here, Jason Lee Parry for Trend mag (full ed here), Sayaka Maruyama, here and here.

I can't wait to drive with my baby, up the coast road, watching towns slide past, singing songs and taking photos, and showing Humble more of our world, especially at home. Lots of family and friends are waiting for us, as well as beaches without pollution, bushland with wildlife and nature-treasures, skies that are crisp and untarnished by city lights, hidden skateparks in paddocks, and cheese platters and crazy mixed drinks at my parents', overlooking the farm.  
Counting the days.