A couple of little videos I made recently for Instagram purposes (@raychponygold), both featuring the music of my talented housemate Ben Whiting. He's heading off on tour soon, so if you're anywhere on the great Australian continent, you should look him up and see if he's playing near you.


Mister Zimi Arizona lookbook

Everyone knows there’s nothing I like better than printed maxi dresses and crazy cactus gardens (exhibit A), and the creative wonders behind Mister Zimi have pinned that love down perfectly in their Arizona lookbook. In fact, they pin a lot of things down perfectly – namely colour palettes and prints, as well as the perfect vintage textiles on white-washed board floors. Oh, and the at-home cactus collections in their stores are pretty cute too. 

The designs, prints and imagery produced at Mister Zimi have also been a driving force behind my desire to push myself into using more colour in my artwork – it’s kinda weird where inspiration and ideas can travel from. But, with hues that beautiful, I sure won’t question it… 
Here’s to more whitewashing, cacti, and colour.


Bona Drag is my favourite online boutique to browse through, and make mental lists of all the things I'm going to buy when a sudden magical windfall comes my way. I feel like I might shop there exclusively when I'm a successful thirty-something. For now, I'm a barely-surviving twenty-something, so I just look, most of the time.
But what I do get really, really excited about is Bona Drag's lookbooks, especially their ceremonial collections. Last time Bona Drag released a ceremonial collection, I posted about it here. My sentiments remain exactly the same -- this, to me, is how wedding attire should look.
Also, the campaign was shot by Alexandra Valenti who, in my mind and eyes, can do no wrong with an image. And finally, that Pamela rose gold Serpentine necklace... I'm already cataloguing all the drawings and sketchbooks and vintage pieces I can sell off to make payment on that baby.


A sneaky glimpse at things I'm working on for 'Northern', which opens at the Southset gallery and boutique on May 2.
Exciting times // Ramble on


Things I love lately...

1. Collections // Words
2. More collections // More exhibition planning
3. Dreaming about Eden // ... and in illustrative form
4. More words // Finally working on a big, detailed illustration -- it's been ages
5. Street flowers, new rings, drawings // Rad work with Mate Vintage and a painted jacket
6. New prints (here and here) // Collections and gifts
7. Working alone (print available here) // Working with my dad (and his fox-skull gift)
8. Going big and colourful for 'Northern' on May 2
9. Things // Thank yous
10. Collecting, drawing, making // Creating
11. Whiskey visions  (available here) // More of the same