Hello, i discover your blog on Le monde est à Nous, and it is so so beautiful i really looove it, and your drawings so much to. Your unviers are very unique and wild and i love that! I'm a blogger to, and i want to ask you, if i can read an article about yours blog on mine? and take somes of your drawings for my tumblr? Thank, Laura of the blog : http://betheworldandbefree.blogspot.fr/
Hello, i discover your blog on Le monde est à Nous, and it is so so beautiful i really looove it, and your drawings so much to. Your unviers are very unique and wild and i love that! I'm a blogger to, and i want to ask you, if i can read an article about yours blog on mine? and take somes of your drawings for my tumblr? Thank, Laura of the blog : http://betheworldandbefree.blogspot.fr/